You’re hosting a music event. Your bar is having a night of good music and fun. You may be in a small band and want to give your tour dates. No matter the reason, social media can be a powerful tool to promote your event. Let’s look at some ways to promote your music events on social media. Here’s a bonus tip: use this website to boost your engagement.
Use Facebook Events and Groups
While Facebook is considered an aging site, it’s still a place people go to when they want to see what events are happening in their communities. The event feature can be powerful as long as you know what to do.
First, fill out all relevant information. The dates, the location, and fill out any information in the description. Tell people where they can buy tickets and how much. Have an eye-catching cover photo and a clever name for your event. Be sure your event is public as well. If it’s a private event, it
Also, post in there regularly. You may upload videos of your previous performances to hype up potential audiences who may have found the event through Facebook’s algorithm.
Facebook groups are also a great tool, especially if there are groups for your local community. As long as these groups allow people to post events, feel free to post information about your event there. You can also post information about your event on your personal Facebook feed if you wish. Your friends and family may want to attend!
Instagram Can Be a Great Place to Promote Your Event
Facebook’s sister site, Instagram, is also a powerful tool. You can use local hashtags and keywords and tag the venue location to get your event on the map! Upload photos of your event’s flyer to give all the information, then have a strong CTA.
You can also upload Reels, which can showcase the music in easy-to-digest videos. These algorithmic tools
Same With TikTok and YouTube
We’re bundling these two together because both focus on video. TikTok is great for short-form videos. YouTube has short-form videos via Shorts that you can utilize. However, YouTube also has the power to host videos as long as possible. One way for you to promote your music event is to make a channel uploading previous events in their entirety. The performances, the energy of the crowd, and the vibe of the venue can all contribute to someone making a purchase.
Offer Discounts
People love to save money, and this can help someone who is on the fence about attending your event want to attend it. You may offer early-bird discounts or have a Black Friday deal. Instagram Stories can be great for flash sales, as they have a 24-hour expiration date.
Give Consumers FOMO
Fear of missing out (FOMO) can be a powerful marketing tool. Giving constant reminders that “This event is for one day only” or “Tickets are selling fast” can people on the fence a push to want to buy tickets. They don’t want to regret not going, then seeing all of their friends having a good time at the event.
Tell People Where to Buy Tickets
Be sure there is a clear way to buy tickets. Some promoters make it difficult to figure out where to purchase tickets, or they post a link that doesn’t work. Be sure there is a clear place to go to buy tickets for the event.
Spend Money on Ads
Most social media sites have some form of advertising program that you can utilize. These programs can be powerful, as they can target consumers based on their demographics and location. Also, these ads allow for flexible budgets. Some bands may be starving artists who don’t have much to spend on advertising. People will see the event appear more.

Finally, Don’t Forget to Advertise Offline
While social media can be a powerful tool, you must not forget traditional methods. Printing out a flyer and sticking it on a community board or signpost is a way to grow your presence online, especially if you’re promoting a local event.
In an age when people are bombarded by ads online, a print ad can have more impact than you may think. So, be sure to focus on spreading the word in your local communities.
Many people turn to physical advertisements to find out what’s going on in their community, so be sure to utilize them!
Final Thoughts
Social media is a powerful tool for promoting music events. From creating Facebook events to uploading videos of your performances, you can utilize social media’s power and everything it offers to spread the word.
But again, physical media is also important when promoting your event, especially a local one. Good luck!